My Works

Some of My Works =>

School Management System

I coded the School Management System with Java, Spring Boot and PostgreSQL. This comprehensive solution covers all aspects of school administration from student to dean, grades to lesson programs, including advanced time conflict resolution and personalized user role-based controls.

AI App

I engineered an advanced Artificial Intelligence chatbot utilizing React, seamlessly integrating the Gemini API. This project exemplifies my adeptness in leveraging React's state management capabilities, eliminating the need for prop drilling. The chatbot delivers real-time and responsive user interactions, setting a new standard in intuitive interface design and functionality.

Real Estate App

Designed and developed real estate app, full-stack project utilizing React for the frontend, Node.js for the backend, MongoDB for database. This platform enables users to communicate via messaging, save posts, and share their property listings. Featuring intuitive property search functionalities and a user-friendly interface, this app exemplifies my proficiency in creating engaging web applications with seamless functionality.

Chat App

Developing a real-time chat application with React and Firebase was a challenging yet rewarding experience. It strengthened my skills in React development, Firebase integration, and managing asynchronous operations. This project showcased my ability to create responsive and scalable applications using modern web technologies.

30 Day Coding Challenge

From developing a joke app using APIs and mastering array and string methods in JavaScript, to crafting interactive web elements like a review page design and a rock-paper-scissors game, each project pushed my skills further. Embarked on creating diverse applications, from practical tools like a weather app and a QR code generator to creative ventures like a Spotify-like music player.

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